Post by Teddy Bear on Sept 26, 2011 1:07:35 GMT
It's really a revelation. Speaking of which, it just occurred to me that the symbol for Islam is the crescent moon and star Really Moonstars/Monsters!
Post by thehighlandrebel on Sept 27, 2011 0:17:25 GMT
George Galloway was under the impression that the people of Scotland would fall over themselves in worship and adoration for his Nazi ideologies.
I'm glad to say it didn't quite turn out as he expectrd.
Post by Teddy Bear on Sept 27, 2011 18:08:09 GMT
Music to my ears After Lockerbie, why would he think they would?
Post by Teddy Bear on Sept 27, 2011 22:19:54 GMT
One of the most striking examples of the bias exhibited by the BBC in supporting the Palestinian claims, however spurious, and dismissing the concerns of Israel. Both Netanyahu and Abbas addressed the UN, each voicing their thoughts on the subject. For Abbas they give a full page account plus video of what they call 'Annotated Extracts'. These are interspersed with the additions of BBC's journalist, Jonathan Marcus, to add extra weight to whatever he said to make sure it would be interpreted by the reader in exactly the right way the BBC want you to understand it. Almost like a fawning echo, in case you didn't get the drift the first time round. He ends on this note: JONATHAN MARCUS: This is by far the best turn of phrase in the speech and certainly the best sound-bite: "bridges of dialogue" versus "checkpoints and walls of separation".
The speech, which was strong on setting out the Palestinians' historic case and clearly played well among his supporters, included a strongly-worded appeal for dialogue with Israel in skilfully-worded terms. You can read it for yourself, but I warn you this content shows a man sticking his head up the backside of another man. For Netanyahu's address, the BBC give you this: Balance - BBC Style
Post by thehighlandrebel on Sept 28, 2011 0:59:14 GMT
Well spotted Teddy.
My experience with the b-bbc is mainly with the World Service and I can catagorically state that this station is destroying the reputation of this country abroad with it's lies and bigotry, especially with Commonwealth countries.
Most countries are taking active measures to protect their citizens from acts of terroism but the b-bbc openly praises terrorist organisations and condems those countries, ie Israel, that takes measures to stop it.
I'm not one for government intervention in the media but surely the time has come for them to crack down on these supporters of violent jihad who infest Broadcasting House.
The bbc is a terrorist supporting organisation.
Anyone who pays the criminal licence fee is betraying their country and will be responsible for the acts of terror which will soon hit these shores.
This is not an idle rant. This will come true.
Stop the b-bbc NOW.
Post by Teddy Bear on Sept 28, 2011 18:34:47 GMT
I can really understand where you're coming from, and for the most part I would say I have shared similar views. Reading some of the statements you made, it occurs to me that perhaps we're not looking at the real depth of this matter. ...I can categorically state that this station is destroying the reputation of this country abroad with it's lies and bigotry
...Anyone who pays the criminal licence fee is betraying their country
...government intervention in the media, but surely the time has come for them to crack down on these supporters of violent jihad who infest Broadcasting House My first question is - what do we define now as this country? I know or believe when you wrote the above you meant the values that you feel you inherited from those around you, and that you still recognise many who still maintain them - and this is what you refer to as our country. If we think of it as a once healthy body that is now infested by cancer, so it can't function as a healthy body, this is what appears to be 'our country'. Like a sinking ship, we see the structure that once we felt safe and proud to sail in, now filling with water. At what point do we see the necessity to abandon ship to preserve our lives, or in this case, to preserve our integrity? This country is now run by greedy, lying, cheating, immoral and unethical politicians aided by an equally insidious national broadcaster. Like yourself, I wondered if the Conservatives would have the balls to finally stand up to the BBC and end their largely twisted nonsense. Now I'm starting to believe that they are all in the same bed, and while the BBC has its own agenda for its own ambitions, it still operates largely as the tool of the government, who use them to the greatest extent they can. We are controlled by those who are betraying the values we uphold. We can see their stupidity and short-sightedness, but other than be aware of it, and comment on it in an effort to alert others, what else is there to be done? If the reputation of this country has gone downhill, then those seeing it as such are seeing truth - it is well deserved that they would see that. I'm starting to believe a lot of the BBC output is sanctioned by the government, but they can distance themselves from actually committing themselves to state the same things. rather like those 'moderate' Muslims who say nothing against the more radical, knowing they will benefit either way. The 'Ministry of Thought' is a government sponsored department. It's a bummer! What do you think?
Post by thehighlandrebel on Sept 28, 2011 20:35:52 GMT
I agree that any politician or political party who critcises the b-bbc would be crucified in the media.
One analogy I can think of is Chamberlain in 1938. Remember him waving his bit of paper telling cheering crowds that there would be 'peace in our time'
If Churchill had come on camera afterwards and told the people that Chamberlain was talking mince he would have been laughed out of office. Politicians and reporters today who know what's going on face the same dilemma.
All they need is to find a collective backbone and demand the b-bbc is brought to book.
Post by Teddy Bear on Sept 28, 2011 20:52:32 GMT
Like I say, I've been labouring (no pun intended) under that impression for the longest time. Now I'm coming to the realisation that actually the BBC are serving the politicians, and they have no interest in dispensing with them. How better to get voters to believe in your doomed policies than getting an 'independent' media to spin them the right way. In addition to climate change, there's also the EU, Immigration, Nanny Stating (Political control), Soft or no Prison (to limit spending) as just a few other examples, and the appearance of being soft towards Islamics. I didn't see Britain standing up for Israel at the UN. Looks like they're all on the same hymn sheet.
Post by Teddy Bear on Oct 29, 2011 22:55:43 GMT
Just to make it clear which side of the Palestinian bid for statehood via the UN it supports, the BBC offers 2 links on the main Israel/Palestinian story it is covering at the moment. One is this opinion piece by Jeremy Bowen Palestinian statehood bid: Useful points scored at UN in which he pours as much scorn as possible on Israeli PM Netanyahu trying to oppose it, as well as regretting that Obama has stated that he too will veto this bid. He makes the claim that the only reason Obama is doing this is Next year's US presidential race may be close and Mr Obama and the Democrats need Israel's many friends in this country to vote for them.To further advance the Palestinian bid, the other viewpoint linked is Viewpoint: The end of a new beginning? in which former US Assistant Secretary of State PJ Crowley tells us When US President Barack Obama stepped to the podium in New York last Wednesday, he welcomed a new governing body to the United Nations.
The fact that it was the National Transitional Council from Libya was in its own right remarkable.
The fact that it was not the Palestinian Authority was regrettable.
That he was forced to threaten to veto the Palestinian application for membership was a policy failure.This is what the BBC considers BALANCE on the subject.
Post by Teddy Bear on Nov 3, 2011 14:14:58 GMT
Just to clarify what the UN has really done, and what those like the BBC want you to support. I wonder when it will occur to the UN that it has really allowed the Palestinians to run rings round them, and showing them up for the ridiculous and twisted organisation, lacking any moral authority, that it has become. 64 years ago the UN issued a Resolution (181) that divided the area of Palestine into independent Jewish and Arab States. The proposed plan was accepted by the leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine, through the Jewish Agency. The plan was rejected by leaders of the Arab community (the Palestine Arab Higher Committee etc.), who were supported in their rejection by the states of the Arab League. The Arabs have since unsuccessfully been trying to drive the Jews into the sea and claim the whole region for themselves. Any land partitions originally allotted become null and void to any moral judge, since it is the Arabs who were trying to deprive the Jews of theirs. The fact that the Arabs have continued to lose is a good lesson for them to examine the consequences of bad reasoning and actions. I can't think that there's been any occasion anywhere in the civilised world where a criminal that has been found guilty of a crime and sentenced to imprisonment, has had his salary reimbursed by whatever company he might also have been working for at the time he committed the crime, or serving the sentence for it. Even worse in this example is the fact that the criminal has sworn to engage in further crimes, and still demands to receive a continual salary, despite no attempt to honest labour. Yet this is what the UN, and mouthpieces like the BBC, thinks the world should accept. otherwise why would they seriously even entertain the notion that they should reward Palestinians by recognising them as a State, or legal entitlement to any land at all? I can't wait for the Hardtalk that has a UN representative being challenged for this decision, but we all know why this will never happen.
Post by thehighlandrebel on Mar 2, 2012 4:53:45 GMT
Post by Teddy Bear on Mar 2, 2012 19:17:21 GMT
Well past time! The very notion that nations which are themselves not united in any way shape or from the standpoint of our society, should act as a world arbiter is ridiculous. If it was only comprised of democratic nations it would be a good start. To have nations which consistently breach any sane definition of human rights as members of the UN Human Rights Council says precisely what this ridiculous organisation is all about.