Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 11, 2011 20:30:33 GMT
With the BBC sparing no opportunity to continue their quest to prevent Murdoch taking over BSkyB, Ed West at the Telegraph uses their argument back at them.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 12, 2011 19:13:21 GMT
Anybody examining BBC already sickening and blatantly biased output since the prospect emerged about a week ago that the hacking scandal could effect the Murdoch takeover of BSkyB, would have a complete study in just how contemptuous is the BBC of its charter. They seem to have no shame dedicating every news programme with further interviews to ingrain their message of how 'evil' is the prospect if Murdoch would fulfil his take over. Considering how long ago news of the the hacking scandal first emerged, it is only sice that the use of it as a tool to stymie Murdoch's takeover bid, that it seems to have merited this attention. Listening to The World at One today on Radio4, it devoted the whole programme to this theme, and as far as I can see the British public just considers this 'normal'. Unable to make the connection that there is a clear motive by the BBC to prevent increased power to Murdoch as it would encroach on that they already have. Their use of their resources to further their own ends should be a clear sign to the British public that it is time to 'clip the wings' of their national broadcaster and end the licence fee once and for all. The Commentator has more on the subject.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 13, 2011 21:13:19 GMT
Now Murdoch has pulled out of the takeover, no doubt those at the BBC and Guardian must be jumping with joy at their success in being instrumental in bringing this about.
Here's my comment awaiting posting on the Daily Mail article announcing News Corps pulling out.
So let's see...we find out that some journalists have no ethics - NO KIDDING!!! It's horrific that so many people in this country put their faith in them to begin with - WHO ARE THEY? Those that can DO - Those that can't TEACH - Those that can't teach ADMINISTRATE - and those that can't administrate give their opinions, mostly without a clue how to make anything work in the real world. But they are those that you accept as the alternative to using your own brains.
Did you notice other corrupt journalists at the BBC running every (Balanced and unbiased - HA HA HA) news and topical programme for the last week doing their best to neuter Murdoch's BSkyB takeover? Any surprise that the BBC and Guardian and the rest of the left-wing mindset - the same kind of mindless journalists pushing their pathetic agendas want to get rid of the competition? The 'Great British Public' let them do it without a murmur.
You deserve the EU- AGW-Labour bias- Multiculturalism etc - Expect more - LOTS MORE!
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 14, 2011 20:14:01 GMT
I can always count on the voice of sanity that is Melanie Phillips to spell out my thinking on any given subject - Bless You Melanie
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 14, 2011 23:20:46 GMT
Excellent article by James Delingpole on the subject.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 16, 2011 22:39:20 GMT
I just happened to catch the news on BBC1 following their Open coverage. You'd think there was nothing else going on in the world as their obsession with Murdoch still continues. If nothing else thier continued coverage is feeding a lot of stimulation by journalists who don't subscribe to the BBC/Guardian mindset.
Here's another excellent article, this time by Janet Daley at the Telegraph.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 18, 2011 14:14:24 GMT
Still no let up by the media, led by the BBC, in using the hacking scandal for their own nefarious purposes. For most it's mainly to try and get rid of the competition that Murdoch represents, for the BBC there's the added intent to promote the Labour party. There are also those ethical and intelligent journalists who wish to see an enlightened society with moral values who continue to comment on the misuse of power engaged upon and the real damage that is being done to the public.
Melanie Phillips again writing in the Daily Mail puts it into a moral perspective that is encapsulated by this paragraph: The Murdoch empire may need to be brought sternly to book over the hacking scandal. But the media monopoly that really has undermined and demoralised British society and deserves to be broken up is the BBC.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 21, 2011 0:00:38 GMT
I notice with regard to comments posted on the Daily mail article of Melanie Phillips, (linked to immediately above), that it has attracted a lot of attention from obviously not your usual Daily Mail reader. It would appear that droves of BBC/Guardian readers have summoned each other to try their best to demean Melanie's observations.
Let's face it, if she wasn't touching a raw nerve they would hardly bother.
I must admit I rarely watch or listen to news programmes on the BBC as I'm sickened enough by their bias without having to listen to their sanctimonious tones while they deliver it.
Stephen Glover at the Daily Mail does though, and finds the way the BBC is covering the hacking scandal quite sickening.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 21, 2011 14:00:36 GMT
A crisis that has been developing at the same time the hacking scandal has been given top priority by the media who find Murdoch too much competition for them, is the small matter of the possible financial meltdown of the Euro. For as the IMF warns so graphically, the euro crisis now threatens to plunge the West into a second devastating recession, which could wipe up to £400billion from the global economy.
Not uncharacteristically the BBC have put their own objectives and agenda before those of the public they are supposed to be serving.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jul 27, 2011 21:23:05 GMT
Not surprisingly, with the BBC getting away increasingly with ever more blatant bias, it's hardly surprising that they begin gloating over it. It's just typical of their true mindset.
Post by Teddy Bear on Nov 28, 2011 22:53:17 GMT
The current Leveson enquiry into the hacking affair is the perfect excuse for the BBC to continue its quest, having neutered Murdoch in his take over of Sky, and extend it to every other media outlet that it regards as a threat. Celebrities repeating their stories about how hacking affected their lives is not news any more, but the BBC thinks of they can regurgitate it such because of Leveson, it's newsworthy. It hasn't occurred to them that what they're really showing is there are many journalists that have no ethics or moral character. After monitoring the nature of BBC bias for so many years, I knew that already, and in typical blinkard ignorant fashion, the BBC haven't taken into account that eventually all of the public will be aware of the insidious nature of BBC journalists in much the same way they are brainwashed now to think of as those in the private sector. In my opinion, the BBC are far worse because they are paid to provide a public service, whereas one has a choice with the private sector. As for the celebrities 'damaged' by the hacking affair. With few exception, my view is if you don't like the heat - GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN! They're very happy to milk the media when it goes their way, and they rise to their stardom. But they appear to want a one-way street where if they do something 'out of the ordinary' they want it kept quiet. HELLO!!! Frankly I have no interest in the going on in the lives of 99% of what society considers celebrities today. If their lives are ruined because it's discovered they have been engaged in acts which raise the public eyebrow -TOUGH SHIT! Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time. It appears from the way the BBC continues to present it, that their audience doesn't see it that way, which I suppose is normal for the brainwashed masses that haven't been told any other way to think. I caught about 10 minutes ( about 10 minutes in - available to listen again for 7 days) today of PM on Radio 4 this afternoon. Just in time to catch an unadulterated promotion of Labour, under the subterfuge of getting information, followed by developments in the Leveson enquiry. Today it was Charlotte Church telling how her mother attempted suicide knowing her fathers indiscretions were about to be made public, as well as her becoming pregnant at 17, and can you believe it - (that evil ) Rupert Murdoch offered her £100,000 to sing at his wedding or receive 'favourable publicity' for her career. Such a victim - poor girl - nobody is responsible for anything but that evil Murdoch and his henchman. Read it and weep.
Post by Teddy Bear on Feb 15, 2014 21:22:00 GMT
Apart from this thread, there are quite a few others on this website that detail the relentless demonisation of Murdoch by the BBC over the hacking scandals. These are besides the numerous comparisons on many threads to show just how skewed and 'personally interested' the BBC were in the outcome. Here's the main threads. Naturally the BBC denies any accusations and claims there coverage was perfectly justified and maintained in their best fair, balanced, and impartial style. A few days ago, Gavyn Davies, Director-General of the BBC—2000-04, and Greg Dyke, Chairman of the BBC Board of Governors—2001-04, gave evidence before the Culture, Media and Sport Committee on The Future of the BBC. As the session opened, with Dyke in the 'hot seat', here's how it went: Clearly voicing what everybody with enough intelligence and awareness of BBC output already surmised. I did a double take when I first saw his statement. Does he really understand what he just admitted to? Now what in the BBC charter could possibly make Murdoch 'the enemy' of the BBC? ( hat-tip Alan)
Post by steevo on Feb 16, 2014 23:20:21 GMT
Well something can happen when people are former anything to the Organization. But now we can conclude, intentional or not
Post by Teddy Bear on Feb 17, 2014 1:06:43 GMT
Yes indeed! Since there's nothing in the BBC charter that could be interpreted to make Murdoch ‘the enemy’ of the BBC, it shows perfectly how openly the BBC have strayed from seeing they need to adhere to it. They blatantly follow their own agenda.
Post by Teddy Bear on Jan 26, 2015 21:22:56 GMT
We have covered fairly comprehensively in this thread and also here how the BBC covered the hacking scandal where Murdoch was involved. With an upcoming trial of 8 cases in March that concern Trinity Mirror, and their role in the hacking, Steerpike at the Spectator wonders how the BBC will cover this. It's a foregone conclusion, seeing as the Daily Mirror is a left wing tabloid, that the BBC won;t be pursuing them with anything like the vigour and demonisation they went after Murdoch with. My prediction is it will hardly get a mention, and for sure will not feature on Question Time.