Post by indikit on Apr 24, 2007 19:47:20 GMT
Would anyone take the opinions of a designer in the employ of the BBC seriously when he attempts to defend them? Well if you can bare to read this confused and pointless article posted by one of it's 'designers' then I'm sure the answer is no:- www.currybet.net/cbet_blog/2007/03/my_biased_view_of_the_biased_b_7.phpAs you would expect from anyone who has been nicely indoctrinated with the liberal mindset of the BBC - and is also in their lucrative employ - it's clear that all this BBC bias is merely an illusion. They are in fact poor helpless professionals merely confused by all the conflicting opinions that they do their very best to listen to. What better example to disprove BBC bias than Mr Bellams experience with...uhm...designing a web page for a Doctor Who episode. I don't know about you people but I'm totally won over. I will renew my TV licence instantly. I didn't know they had it so tough with all those vicious e-mails they have to deal with from people who don't like Daleks being sprayed gold. Maybe if Bellam had stuck a veil over the top of one of their metal heads he wouldn't have to defend his beloved institution in the first place. Because anyone who attacked the Daleks then could just have been passed off as racist. There is absolutely no meat on the bones of this guys article whatsoever. A serious case of someone biting off LESS than he can chew in a desperate attempt to suck up to his employers.
Post by Teddy Bear on Apr 24, 2007 22:37:06 GMT
If you really want to gag, try reading the BBC Editors Blog. It's where they excuse everything they do, and tell us how right they really are. By coincidence 'I Robot' was on tonight, and there's the initial plot where the female psychologist working for the robot company keeps telling the cop that it's ridiculous to think that a robot could attack a human being. She repeats it for about half an hour before predictably she herself is attacked. So according to Bellam, because they 'swear an oath' to impartiality, they couldn't be otherwise, and as you observe Indi, he must know. It took Robin Aitken 25 years to finally come out of the 'impartial and fair' closet and reveal the institutional bias of the BBC, and he was a journalist. How long will it take a Dalek designer? A couple of years ago I has an 'encounter at the Biased BBC Blogspot with Paul Reynolds the World Affairs correspondent for BBC News Online, which I detail here.The upshot is they only debate the issues that they can parry and thrust. When they don't have any excuse for a particular blatant example of their bias they avoid discussion altogether or invent a reason not to answer.
Post by indikit on Apr 24, 2007 23:04:42 GMT
I wonder how Reynolds found his way here, as much as I wonder how many other BBC employees read this site.
No doubt Martin Bellam is the sort of egoist that is typical of your average BBC employee, who will find his way here once he types his own name into the Google search engine to find out how he's doing in the hall of fame.
Hello Martin! Your BBC medallions are in the post.